
Now is the Time for our Community to Rally Together

Help to Preserve the Heart of Our Community


It's been exceptionally challenging for our restaurants and small businesses to survive this ongoing epidemic. We've been pulling together to support these core services of our community with the closing of George Street and the creation of an innovative expansive plaza for outdoor dining & entertainment. We've introduced free parking exceptions and achieved unprecedented civic collaborations as we continue to maintain the most insightful health and safety requirements for all. Our community has responded by dining outside, ordering takeout, curbside pickup, and purchasing gift cards to support our favorite establishments. We are very grateful for the MANY people that have come together to organize and support these initiatives.

The good news is that there's an end in sight...
The bad news is that it will not be soon enough for some of our cherished local businesses.

The coming winter months will raise the stakes for our local businesses once again. Local businesses that are already at their limits. Now is the time for all to rise together to meet this overwhelming challenge, a time to rally together to save the heart of our community. These are the restaurants and businesses in which we frequent, meet, socialize, and enjoy. We all need them, and now they need us. 

Please open your hearts to support our small business establishments

we'll put the funds into grants that support our small businesses

Rally Together Donation

Donate Now

More ways YOU can help make a difference:

During these challenging times, our businesses need your support more than ever. You can help make a difference. It's easy!

Please support by donating what you can now – any amount counts – and please share this page with others. Thank you!