


JUN 22, 2024
11:00 AM - Parade
1:00 - 4:00 PM - Festival


Recreation Park
7 Pine Street
New Brunswick, NJ

More Info:

The annual Juneteenth Parade and Festival Day begins with a parade in the morning that winds through New Brunswick, culminating at Recreation Park (7 Pine Street--at the edge of the Rutgers Douglass Campus).

11 AM: PARADE PARTICIPANTS will meet and line-up at the intersection of George Street and Remsen Avenue.

By about 11:15 am, parade participants will start marching from George Street and Remsen Avenue, then onto Sanford Street, then to Pine Street, ending at Recreation Park.

The JUNETEENTH FESTIVAL will run in the afternoon at Recreation Park, after the parade, and will feature games, face painting, raffles, various vendors, and giant inflatables.

Parade Registration must be received by June 14th.